
Omega 3 fatty acids belong to the group of essential lipids. They are so named because the human body cannot produce them. Thus, ingesting them is a primary task since they help the body prevent various diseases.

Omega 3 fatty acids, so existent in walnuts and oily fish, are essential allies of our cardiovascular health, reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, they improve defences, prevent vision loss, and protect against diseases such as diabetes and cancer. And even more, benefits are being investigated.

What are They for?

Several studies point to the possible benefits of poly and monounsaturated fats in various conditions. According to a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, its importance lies in the anti-inflammatory effects it provides. These are of great help if you want to reduce the risk or promote the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Psoriasis
  • Migraines
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Lupus erythematosus
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Crohn’s disease

 Types of Omega 3

  • Alpha-Linolenic Acid: Found in vegetable oils and essential for the body.
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid: is contained in oily fish and breast milk. Its properties benefit blood circulation to prevent inflammation, arthritis, or thrombi problems.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid: some oily fish contain it. Its components mainly target the central nervous system and can help relieve symptoms such as depression, headaches, migraines, schizophrenia, dementia, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.

What are Some Health Effects of Omega-3s?

What are Some Health Effects of Omega-3s_

Scientists are studying omega-3s to recognize how they affect health. For example, people who eat fish and other shellfish have a lower risk of several chronic diseases. However, it’s not clear if these health profits come simply from eating these diets or from the omega-3s in these foods. Here are some examples of what the study has shown.

Heart Disease

Many studies show that eating oily fish and other forms of shellfish as part of a healthy eating pattern helps retain your heart healthy and protects you from some heart problems. For example, consuming more EPA and DHA from foods or dietary supplements lowers triglyceride levels.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends consuming one to two servings of shellfish per week to reduce the risk of some heart problems, especially if shellfish are eaten in place of less healthy foods. For persons with heart disease, the AHA recommends consuming about 1 gram per day of EPA plus DHA, preferably from fatty fish; however, supplements are an option under the guidance of a health care provider. The AHA does not recommend omega-3 supplements for people at high risk for cardiovascular disease.

Cancer Prevention

Some studies advise that people who get more omega-3s from food and dietary supplements may have a lesser risk of breast cancer and perhaps colorectal cancer. However, a large clinical trial found that omega-3 supplements did not reduce overall cancer risk or the risk of breast, prostate, or colorectal cancer. Other ongoing clinical trials will help clarify whether omega-3s affect cancer risk.

Child Health and Development

Consuming 8 to 12 ounces of fish and other shellfish per week during pregnancy and lactation may improve your baby’s health. However, it is important to choose fish high in EPA and DHA and lower in mercury. Among these, we have salmon, herring, sardines and trout. In addition, it is not clear whether taking dietetic supplements containing EPA and DHA during pregnancy or breastfeeding affects the health or development of the baby.

Omega-3 Fats – Good for your Heart

Omega-3 acids are a kind of polyunsaturated fats. We need these fats to strengthen neurons and for other essential functions. For example, these acids help keep the heart healthy and protect against stroke. They also help improve heart health if you previously have heart disease.

Your body does not create omega-3 fatty acids on its own. You have to get them from food. Some fish are the best sources of omega-3. You can also catch them from plant foods.

Omega-3s and your Heart

Omega-3 are best for your heart and blood vessels in many ways.

  • They lower triglycerides, a kind of fat in the blood.
  • It decreases the risk of developing irregular heartbeats ( arrhythmias ).
  • They decrease plaque buildup; a substance made up of fat, cholesterol, and calcium that hardens and blocks arteries.
  • It helps to slightly lower BP.

These vital fats can also help with cancer, Stress, inflammation, and ADHD. However, health experts are still discovering the possible benefits of omega-3 fatty acids.

Advantages of Consuming Omega 3 During Pregnancy

Some of the benefits of consuming foods that provide this type of polyunsaturated fat during pregnancy are:

  • Promotes baby’s brain development
  • Reduces the chances of preeclampsia
  • It helps the development of vision in the baby
  • Reduces the chance of postpartum depression
  • It prevents, in some way, premature labour


Omega−3 fatty acids, also called Omega-3 oils or n−3 fatty acids, are polyunsaturated fatty acids characterized by a double bond, three atoms away from the terminal methyl group in their chemical structure.